Monday, July 29, 2013

Featured in Lussh

I was featured in the G O R G E O U S magazine Lussh (click to go to issue), created by the lovely XxSophiie.LuvxX. It was such a lovely graphic, and issue overall. Such an honor to be featured in the magazine.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Hello Everyone...

I'm June Roberts, otherwise known as Circe Ariadne Call (I know, very different, but while thinking up model names, and characters I found this the most interesting).

This is the start of something very wonderful...
My modeling portfolio!

Now, this will be fantastic, seeing as I just started here. I hope everyone enjoys what they see :D
Ok, thank you all for reading. I will post rules, basics, interests, and e.t.c later :)

And Again,
Thank you
